One side-effect of being a visual person is the desire to visualize people or places unknown to me. Tell me about your boss or your boyfriend whom I have never met, my mind will build an avatar in no time. Call me from your office where I have never been, my mind's eye will furnish the room and know whether the windows are to your left or to your right. Send me to a town I have never seen, I will know how it feels to be there before I enter city limits. Problem is, my mental images seldom bear even the remotest resemblance to the "real" object. When I meet the person/location I previsualized my expectations and my impressions will coexist for some time which can make the encounter slightly uneasy. Of course there is always room for pleasant surprises.
Tomorrow my mental image of Tokyo will meet the real place for the first time. Let's see how the two will get along.
Talking about the human mind: Just finished Murakami's "Hard-boiled Wonderland and the End of the World". One of the best books I have read this year.
murakami is a genius. i read about everything from him. have fun in tokyo :)
You really liked "Hard-boiled Wonderland and the End of the World"? I read it half a year ago and was proud to finish it. For me the story was quite predictable, the language not very original and the author wanted to show that he knows Kafka. And at all the manufacturing of english books is (most of the time) awfull (my déformation professionnelle ;-))
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